Five Defibrillators installed in Inverness City Centre

Five Defibrillators installed in Inverness City Centre

Five Public Access Defibrillators have been installed in Inverness city centre. The project to co-ordinate, purchase and install has been a collaboration project following three separate independent city businesses individually raising and donating funds to purchase and install the equipment. An initial approach to Inverness BID Ltd to assist them in their quest led to them enlisting the support of The Victorian Market, Highland Council, their Roads and Street Lighting departments, and the Inverness Common Good Fund, who agreed to purchase a further two complete units.

Each unit costs £1,750 and has been supplied by Lucky2BHere (Charity SCO41103) who are based in Portree, Skye.

Each of the following independent businesses contributed sufficient funds for the purchase and ongoing maintenance of a complete Defibrillator Unit and Cabinet each. A further two Units have been purchased by the Inverness Common Good Fund.

This strategic coverage of this vital lifesaving equipment for the city centre empowers and enables the community and businesses to manage a life-threatening situation, should the need arise. All units are registered with the Ambulance Service, and the supplying Lucky2BHere Charity, who can advise any 999 caller where they are located in an emergency, so that lifesaving action can be taken before medical personnel arrive.

The Defibrillator Units will be located at the following key locations chosen because of careful consideration of footfall and ease of access these being:

The Highland Council Roads and Street Lighting departments have co-ordinated the installation and electrical supply to these new units.

The sites that have been selected to cover the city centre effectively whereby should an incident arise access to a unit could be less than a minute away and are available to the public 24 hours a day contained within easily accessible hi-viz cabinets at key locations.

Quote Jo Murray, Victorian Market:With the Victorian Market and the Town House being in such key sites within the city centre, surrounded by many types of businesses, residential buildings, and an attraction for tourists, it was obvious that we should have public access defibrillator units. We now have the comfort of knowing that we could manage a life-threatening situation quickly and effectively.”

Quote John McDonald, Inverness BID:Our thanks must go to the individual local independent businesses who raised funds and provided corporate donations to finance the purchase of these lifesaving AED/PAD Unit, and I was delighted to get involved and play a part in co-ordinating the project with assistance from the Lucky2BHere Charity, and gaining the support of Highland Council, Inverness Common Good Fund, and the Victorian Market, to provide a further two fully equipped Defibrillator Units at strategic locations across the City Centre. The provision of this vital 24/7 accessible life saving devices will ensure that anyone suffering from cardiac arrest in our City centre will have the best opportunity for survival.”

Quote Charlie Munro on behalf of Duncan Fraser Butchers & John Munros Butchers:Duncan Fraser and John Munro butchers are delighted to support the Inverness defibrillator project. Butchers are at the heart of the community, and whilst we hope they’re never needed it is comforting to know that these life-saving devices are always there and always ready.”

Quote Steven Hastie, Hastie & Dyce Butcher:On behalf of the Management, Staff and all of our Customers, we at Hastie and Dyce are extremely pleased that we were able to sponsor this life saving equipment and contribute to this excellent project across the City Centre. It is an unfortunate reality that someone will require such medical assistance at some point on our City streets and the fact these will be accessible 24/7 at key locations will make a difference and hopefully save lives.”

Quote Ken Loades, Operations Manager, Cru Holdings Ltd:Cru Holdings, who operate a number of City centre hospitality venues, are delighted to be able to contribute to this great initiative and we sincerely hope this unit never needs to be used, but should the time come it will be ready for action and available to all the community.”

With thanks to both BID Inverness and Lucky2Bhere for their everlasting support

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