Vacancy for a Senior Community Safety Co-ordinator
We are looking for a Senior Community Safety Coordinator to…
The BID Board of Directors is comprised of up to 14 elected Directors, up to 3 co-opted Directors and 1 allocated Highland Council Representative.
Gordon McIntosh (Munro & Noble)
Vice Chair:
Chris Kershaw (Eastgate Centre)
Company Secretary:
Katrina Ashbolt (MacLeod & MacCallum)
Cllr Ian Brown (The Highland Council)
Colin Craig (Oil & Vinegar)
Duncan Chisholm (Duncan Chisholm & Sons, Kiltmaker)
Alasdair Christie (Inverness Nairn Badenoch & Strathspey Citizens Advice Bureau)
Craig Duncan (Craigton Foods & McDonalds franchisee)
Malcolm Fraser (Duncan Fraser Fishmongers)
David Gladwin (Black Isle Brewery)
Gavin Johnston (Inverness Taxis & Safekab)
Don Lawson (Johnny Foxes & The Den)
Donald Maclean (Primo Menswear)
Graine Riach (Edinburgh Woollen Mill)
Graham Thomson (Coffee Affair)
The BID Annual General Meeting is held each November when up to one third of Elected Directors are retired by rotation. All BID levy payers are able to apply for BID membership and are able to attend the AGM.
The next Annual General Meeting of the BID Board will be held on Thursday 27th November at the Spectrum Centre Inverness, at 1730.
Board or AGM Enquiries:
We are looking for a Senior Community Safety Coordinator to…
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